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Montevideo, September 17th 2024 - 06:12 UTC



Petrobras finds gas in the Colombian Caribbean and sets eyes on Namibia's potential

Tuesday, August 6th 2024 - 10:39 UTC
Full article 2 comments

Brazil's oil giant has reported the discovery of a significant gas resource from a well drilled off shore Colombia in the Caribbean. The Uchuva 2 well is some 32 kilometers from the coast at a depth of 804 meters. This new drill is considered an extension of a natural gas field drilled at the Uchuva 1 well back in 2022, at a depth of 830 meters. Read full article


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  • Brasileiro

    The concern of neoliberal rentiers is with the payment of dividends! Neoliberals are a type of parasite who produces nothing and lives off the multiplication of currency without any basis in production.

    Aug 06th, 2024 - 10:57 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • imoyaro

    Brasso is always looking for a reason to arrest, torture, and kill anyone whose property he wants to appropriate for himself. There's a word for that, somewhere...

    Aug 06th, 2024 - 06:43 pm - Link - Report abuse +1

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