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Maduro updates number of “terrorists” arrested to 2,229

Wednesday, August 7th 2024 - 11:05 UTC
Full article 3 comments
On Saturday they will be transferred to the newly-refurbished Tocorón and Tocuyito prisons, Maduro also said On Saturday they will be transferred to the newly-refurbished Tocorón and Tocuyito prisons, Maduro also said

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Tuesday updated the number of people arrested for the protests that erupted after he was announced to have been reelected for the 2025-2031 term. “There are 2,229 terrorists captured, with evidence,” he stressed. ”And on Saturday they will be transferred to (the prisons of) Tocorón and Tocuyito [which] are already ready for terrorists and criminals!”, he added from the Miraflores Palace.

Maduro also described those apprehended as “people who chased passers-by, murdered people who were walking in a square, burned hospitals, Integral Diagnostic Centers, clinics, schools, high schools, and universities. Is that called a protest or a peaceful demonstration?” he wondered.

He also suggested those opposing the government should “stop hating; hatred has never led to anything good; hatred has led them to frustrations and deceptions.”

“You are Venezuelans, as much as we are. We respect all of Venezuela, learn to respect the majority Venezuela that wants peace and tranquility, stop hating, it is a call I make, and I ask you to do it,” he went on.

“If you do not love us, I ask you to at least love Venezuela, do not hurt Venezuela anymore, love your family, your community, so that the streets are in peace, so that the economy prospers...”

According to the Chavist regime, at least 59 police officers and 47 members of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) were injured, while two military personnel died during the riots staged by those supporting the Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (PUD) opposition front of candidate Edmundo González Urrutia and disenfranchised Vente Venezuela leader María Corina Machado.

Meanwhile, the NGO Provea said 24 civilians were killed, some of them “murdered” by either law enforcement or irregular Chavist armed groups known as “colectivos.”

Machado and González Urrutia urged the military and police Monday to side with the people and respect what they insist was the true outcome of the July 28 elections: that González Urrutia won with some 67% of the vote.

Categories: Politics, Venezuela.

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