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Buenos Aires Governor meets with Brazilian President

Friday, August 16th 2024 - 09:57 UTC
Full article 2 comments
“Lula plays a very significant role, both regionally and internationally within the BRICS,” Kicillof explained “Lula plays a very significant role, both regionally and internationally within the BRICS,” Kicillof explained

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who has never spoken face to face with his Argentine colleague Javier Milei despite crossing paths at one or two multinational events, welcomed this week Buenos Aires Governor Axel Kicillof at the Planalto Palace to discuss cooperation and investment opportunities.

“We presented investment proposals. Brazilian companies operating in Argentina are particularly focused on Buenos Aires province. This province accounts for about 40% of Argentina's total production and 50% of its industrial output,” Kicillof said after the meeting. The former federal economy minister under then-President Cristin Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) is one of the likely candidates to pick up the pieces of Peronism after last year's electoral defeat to Milei.

“During my previous term [as Governor], I visited São Paulo and accompanied Argentine companies there. We discussed this experience and saw numerous opportunities. We strongly believe that one of the most important keys for each of our countries lies in regional integration,” he added.

Kicillof expressed strong interest in expanding cooperation in the energy and oil sectors, as well as exploring investment opportunities in the province's gas industry, Agencia Brasil mentioned. The governor also declared his support for Argentina's inclusion in the BRICS group, which currently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, along with Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. The latter five countries have been part of the group since January 2024. Argentina was also set to join the bloc, but Milei decided otherwise.

“Lula plays a very significant role both regionally and internationally within the BRICS. It seems to me that he provides valuable insights and perspectives, demonstrating that the opportunities are not merely about political or ideological alliances but about what is best for the country,” Kicilllof insisted.

Also participating in the encounter were Brazil's Vice President and Industry Minister Geraldo Alckmin, Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, and Presidential Advisor Celso Amorim.

Categories: Politics, Argentina, Brazil.

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  • imoyaro

    Another insane Argentine economist...

    Aug 16th, 2024 - 07:03 pm 0
  • Jack Bauer

    A remnant of the Fernandez's era....nothing to write home about.

    Aug 19th, 2024 - 02:59 pm 0
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