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Falklands' Governor Alison Blake returns to the Islands next week

Tuesday, August 27th 2024 - 06:26 UTC
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Governor Alison Blake will also resume her duty as Commissioner of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Governor Alison Blake will also resume her duty as Commissioner of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

The Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly and Government House announced on Monday 26th August that the Governor of the Falklands, Alison Blake, CMG will be back in the Islands next week,

The official release said that, “Her Excellency the Governor of the Falkland Islands, Alison Blake CMG, is due to return to the Falkland Islands on Thursday 5 September.

”On return Her Excellency will resume her duties as the Governor of the Falkland Islands and His Majesty's Commissioner for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.”

During Governor Blake's absence, Dave Morgan became Acting Governor fulfilling official duties. However last 30th July another Acting Governor, and Commissioner was appointed until 20th August. That is because Deputy Governor was off on to his annual leave.

He was Adam Pile, OBE, Deputy Director for the Overseas Territories Directorate of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Adam was well known to Falklands members of the Legislative Assembly and the Falklands Government having worked closely and led UK's response in support of the Overseas Territories during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Diplomat Adam Pile, son of a Falklands' war Veteran also accompanied the Falklands delegation recent visits to the United States and Canada.

Categories: Politics, Falkland Islands.

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