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Venezuelan gov't offered Sandinista fighters in case of civil war

Tuesday, August 27th 2024 - 22:06 UTC
Full article 2 comments

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega offered his Venezuelan colleague Nicolás Maduro the help of his “Sandinista fighters” in case of civil war in the South American country, where the opposition insists on not admitting the National Electoral Council's (CNE) announcement that the incumbent had been reelected on July 28. Read full article


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  • imoyaro

    That's one way of removing possibly troublesome golpistas. Ah, for the good old days...

    Aug 29th, 2024 - 12:35 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • bushpilot

    Iran backs Venezuela and genius Brasileiro says:

    “We can only love those who love us.”

    Daniel Ortega and Nicaragua back Venezuela, and genious Brasileiro says:


    Because in this case, the guy Bras is supposed to love, is calling Brazil a Yankee patsy.

    Aug 29th, 2024 - 02:16 am - Link - Report abuse +1

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