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Argentina's ruling party lawmakers keep leaving the boat

Thursday, August 29th 2024 - 10:55 UTC
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Paoltroni questioned Milei's overly discretional handling of funds to the detriment of the needy Paoltroni questioned Milei's overly discretional handling of funds to the detriment of the needy

Just one day after the departure of Congresswoman Lourdes Arrieta from the ruling La Libertad Avanza's (LLA) Lower House bloc, Formosa's Francisco Paoltroni was expelled Wednesday from the party's grouping on the Senate citing “irreconcilable differences,” which would corroborate that an alliance built up in haste to endorse Javier Milei's presidential bid was not achieved seamlessly.

Paoltroni's dismissal was signed by LLA Senators Bartolomé Abdala, Vilma Bedia, and Juan Carlos Pagoto, while Ivana Arrascaeta and Bruno Olivera Lucero endorsed the initiative via e-mail. Abdala is also the House's Provisional Speaker, who replaces Vice President Victoria Villarruel in case of an occasional absence and is also second-in-line to Casa Rosada in case of vacancy.

“We are pleased to address you in our capacity as members of the block of senators of La Libertad Avanza for the purpose of requesting the expulsion from our block of National Senator Francisco Manuel Paoltroni by virtue of irreconcilable differences,” read a note from the LLA bloc to Villarruel.

Paoltroni had been highly critical of Milei's Intelligence Secretary (SIDE) AR$ 100 billion (around US$ 74 million at the unofficial exchange rate) spending while announcing his decision to veto any improvement on senior citizens' pensions. Paoltroni also opposed Milei's choice of Federal Judge Ariel Lijo for a seat on the Supreme Court. The magistrate now needs the Senate's nod to be confirmed on the Judiciary panel.

“How there is no money for retirees and there is money for the SIDE? With what face do I look at a grandfather in Formosa? I go to the bakery, [then] a grandfather grabs me and asks me 'Is there going to be a raise for us?', and I tell him 'No, there is no money'. And for [presidential multitask advisor] Santiago Caputo there are 100 billion pesos for him to manage discretionally and without giving explanations!”, Paoltroni said in a radio interview.

In addition, the government agency in charge of pensioners' healthcare (PAMI) decided in recent days to reduce the list of medicines handed out free of charge, in addition to cutting down the coverage on other prescription drugs, which forces patients to pay a higher percentage of the already soaring prices.

To add to the party's sliding reputation, Misiones LLA provincial Congressman Germán Kiczka, who had been found to possess and distribute child pornography, was arrested Wednesday in the city of Loreto, in the province of Corrientes. Kiczka, for whom Interpol had issued a red alert, was feared to have escaped to Brazil, Paraguay, or even Spain. Kiczka's brother Sebastián is also wanted for the same crime.

Security Minister Patricia Bullrich celebrated Kiczka's arrest: “Pedophile deputy inside,” she posted on social media. “These mental deviants are going to pay,” she added.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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