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Falklands closer to having a National Park at Hill Cove Mountains

Thursday, August 29th 2024 - 08:24 UTC
Full article
A total of 67% of respondents agreed with the concept of designating a national park in the Falklands, and 54% agreed with the proposed location for the park A total of 67% of respondents agreed with the concept of designating a national park in the Falklands, and 54% agreed with the proposed location for the park

The Falkland Islands is closer to having a national park in the Hill Cove Mountains to the north of West Falkland. This is the result of a public consultation held by the Falkland Islands Government Environment Department from February to April 2024 on the proposed designation of such a national park.

The consultation asked the public and key stakeholders to examine the draft policy and management plan for the park, and to consider the proposals for location, attributes, access, off-road driving, grazing, managing fire risk, visitor safety and infrastructure.

In total, 138 surveys were returned, and further comments were collected through public meetings and sessions with stakeholders in Stanley, Port Howard, Hill Cove, and Fox Bay.

Headline Data:

Public consultation:

• 67% of respondents agreed with the concept of designating a national park in the Falkland Islands.

• 54% of respondents agreed with the proposed location of the national park and its boundaries.

• There were divided opinions about proposals for providing access:

o 48% of respondents agreed with the proposed arrangements for how access to the national park by foot is provided for.

o 54% of respondents agreed with the proposal to restrict the use of vehicles within the proposed national park.

• 55% of respondents agreed with the proposed approach for managing grazing within the national park.

• 65% of respondents agreed with the proposed approach to managing fire within the national park.

• 51% of respondents agreed with the proposal to restrict additional infrastructure and facilities within the national park.

Next Steps:

Following the survey results, the Environment Department will use the comments and considerations raised by stakeholders and the public to improve the Policy and Management Plan for the designation of a national park in the Hill Cove Mountains, which will be taken to ExCo for final consideration and decision-making.

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