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Foundation stone laid for Google's data center in Uruguay

Friday, August 30th 2024 - 09:36 UTC
Full article 1 comment

Representatives of technology giant Google and the Uruguayan Government, including President Luis Lacalle Pou, took part Thursday in the ceremony marking the laying of the foundation stone for the company's future data center in Pando, in the department (province) of Canelones, within Montevideo's Metropolitan Area. Read full article


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  • awakenvideo

    Google, the most powerful and evil spying and censorship company that Israel has ever devised. So evil in fact, their advert at one time was - “Google, not evil”
    If you have never heard of Five Eyes (FVEY), Nine Eyes and/or Fourteen Eyes...then you have no right to an opinion on Google's opening shop in Uruguay. Uruguayans will SOON regret this openly evil venture by good ol' Pou and his luciferian masonic buddies.
    Millions of dollars spent on 5G street lamps and Mossad installed surveillance cameras in Uruguay is only the first of many phases that inevitably ends in Uruguay becoming a despot surveillance state with Israel at the helm. Only months away from the collapse of the former USA. The Biblical Antichrist Trump will begin “retribution” in January 2025. Pou and his ilk will enter their underground military D.U.M.B. (deep underground military base) that extends from the highest point in UY nearly to the coast. Did you not hear for years all of the underground blasts which abruptly ended two years ago? Do you think that giant wind farm is only for surface power?
    To Pou: The dumbest thing you and yours will have ever done, is to enter the Underworld.
    You and all masonic fools throughout this plane, have once again, built the first and second gates to Sheol. And below these? Below these awaits your fate hueman.

    Aug 30th, 2024 - 08:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -1

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