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Uruguay's potential in Antarctica reviewed at Torre Ejecutiva

Saturday, August 31st 2024 - 09:54 UTC
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Uruguay's presence in Antarctica is absolutely fundamental from a strategic viewpoint, Garcé told attendees at the event in Torre Ejecutiva Uruguay's presence in Antarctica is absolutely fundamental from a strategic viewpoint, Garcé told attendees at the event in Torre Ejecutiva

Uruguayan authorities reviewed the country's potential in Antarctica this week during a seminar on the matter held at Torre Ejecutiva in Montevideo to promote awareness, exchange data, share good practices, and support the study of the world's southernmost region, the presidential website reported.

“We are in favor of continuing the commitment to peace, collaboration, environmental protection, and research,” said Secretariat of State Strategic Intelligence (SIEE) Director Álvaro Garcé.

At the event titled Uruguay in Antarctica: From Science to the Blue Economy, Garcé also pointed out that “the presence of Uruguay in Antarctica is an issue that is not at the forefront of public opinion, but it is absolutely fundamental from the strategic point of view for our country.”

He also recalled that on Jan. 11, 1980, Uruguay was accepted as an adherent member of the Antarctic Treaty, due to which the country took on a series of commitments with the international community to protect, work together, and promote research in the area. “It is a good example of international cooperation and is one of the main and oldest State policies, a policy that should continue in the future,” Garcé noted.

He also pointed out that the trip made by President Luis Lacalle Pou on Dec. 18 and 19, 2023, together with some members of his cabinet was a clear example of the administration's commitment to that territory.

The seminar brought together scholars and researchers from all universities, maritime and port stakeholders, the Armed Forces, and members of parliament to review the country's presence in the region, as well as its potential from a scientific, political, and economic perspective.

Scientists Edison González Lapeyre spoke about the changes in the continent and Antarctic Institute Planning Director Gerardo Tajes addressed the organization's functionality and its contribution to the country's policies in this regard. In addition, Universidad de la República (UdelaR) researchers Álvaro Soutullo and Diego Aguirrezabala highlighted the geopolitical importance of the natural reserve dedicated to peace and science.

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