MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, September 18th 2024 - 18:29 UTC



Former Argentine president sued for extending Covid-19 lockdowns beyond sanitary needs

Tuesday, September 3rd 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 1 comment

Federal Prosecutor Guillermo Marijuan and Buenos Aires City Congressman Yamil Santoro filed separate criminal complaints Monday against former President Alberto Fernández after Martín Guzmán, who served as Economy Minister under him, said in an interview that the Covid-19 quarantines were extended for political gain rather than out of a sanitary concern. Read full article


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  • imoyaro

    That's certainly one way of keeping people home involuntarily...

    Sep 04th, 2024 - 05:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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