MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, September 18th 2024 - 20:35 UTC



Venezuela: Arrest warrant issued against Edmundo González Urrutia

Tuesday, September 3rd 2024 - 10:08 UTC
Full article 1 comment

A Venezuelan court Monday issued an arrest warrant against former presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, who the opposition insists won the July 28 polls with 67% of the vote, thus failing to recognize the National Electoral Council's (CNE) announcement that the incumbent Nicolás Maduro had prevailed with a 52% support. This result was later validated by the Supreme Court (TSJ) at Maduro's request. Read full article


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  • imoyaro

    He is apparently on the lam, but his family says that he has not sought asylum with any country.(As of yet...)

    Sep 03rd, 2024 - 07:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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