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BAS announces UK Antarctic Science Conference at Cambridge

Thursday, September 5th 2024 - 07:53 UTC
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Registration will be £25, includes lunch on the 1st and 2nd October and refreshments throughout. Online participation will be available for free. Registration will be £25, includes lunch on the 1st and 2nd October and refreshments throughout. Online participation will be available for free.

British Antarctic Survey has announced that the UK Antarctic Science Conference 2024 will take place at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, 1st – 3rd October 2024. The meeting aims to bring together all in the UK who are involved in Antarctic research or the support of Antarctic research.

Register for the conference

• This conference will be hosted in a hybrid format.

• Registration will be £25, to include lunch on the 1st and 2nd October and refreshments throughout, but will exclude accommodation and catering outside conference hours. Online participation will be available for free.

• An optional informal dinner in BAS will be available on the evening of 2nd October (priced £12 and bookable via the registration page). Please register via the conference website.

Call for abstracts

• Detailed information and a link to submit your abstract is available on the conference website.

• The closing date for the call for abstracts has been extended to 9am on Monday 9th September.

The conference venue, online participation & accessibility:

The in-person event will be hosted at the BAS Aurora Innovation Centre in Cambridge. The conference will be hosted in a simple hybrid format over Zoom, and we will be looking for best practice to maximize online participation. Below are a few ways we can support individuals with different needs:

• Our venue has step-free access

• We can provide human assistance for guiding anyone with sight impairment

• Our conference room has an audio induction loop

• We will enable live captioning for all presentations

• We will provide guidance to all presenters about making their presentations accessible to different needs.

• We aim to build the program with sufficient comfort breaks, and there is access to a separate wellbeing room.

If you have accessibility needs that could affect our planning, you will be able to let us know through the registration form or if you prefer you can get in touch with us as


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