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UK multi-party MPs attend the celebrations of Gibraltar National Day

Tuesday, September 10th 2024 - 08:00 UTC
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People of Gibraltar celebrate their National Day People of Gibraltar celebrate their National Day

A group of eleven MPs and Peers from across the UK political spectrum will join this year’s National Day celebrations in Gibraltar.

 The working visit will involve a series of meetings, including a briefing with the Chief Minister for an update on the continued negotiations surrounding Gibraltar’s future relationship with the European Union, and a separate briefing with the Deputy Chief Minister on Gibraltar’s simultaneous preparations for a No Negotiated Outcome.

The Parliamentary delegation are:

• Amanda Martin MP (Labour)
• Matt Bishop MP (Labour)
• Sharon Hodgson MP (Labour)
• The Rt Hon Mark Pritchard MP (Conservative)
• Martin Vickers MP (Conservative)
• The Lord Brady of Altrincham (Conservative)
• The Baroness Hooper (Conservative)
• The Lord Marland (Conservative)
• The Baroness Northover (Liberal Democrat)
• The Baroness Butler-Sloss (Crossbench)
• The Lord Rogan (UUP)

The MPs and Peers will also participate in a number of events which have been organized around Gibraltar National Day, including the traditional signing of the SDGG banner and the political rally in Casemates Square

Categories: Politics, International.

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