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Falklands Legislative Assembly celebrates Gibraltar National Day

Wednesday, September 11th 2024 - 13:15 UTC
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The flags of the Falklands and Gibraltar flying at Victory Green in Stanley The flags of the Falklands and Gibraltar flying at Victory Green in Stanley

The Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly is proud to join Gibraltar in celebrating Gibraltar Day today, 10th September. As fellow Overseas Territories, the Falkland Islands and Gibraltar share a unique bond, one rooted in the resilience, and a shared commitment to preserving our cultures and values as part of the global British family and Commonwealth.

 Each year, the Gibraltar flag is raised on Victory Green in Stanley, symbolizing our solidarity and friendship with the people of Gibraltar. This tradition reflects the strong ties between our territories and underscores the importance of unity among the British Overseas Territories.

In honor of this special day, MLA Jack Ford, Chair of the Legislative Assembly, said “We are proud to celebrate Gibraltar Day alongside our friends in Gibraltar. The Falkland Islands and Gibraltar share a history of strength and determination in the face of challenges, and today we reaffirm our friendship and commitment to standing together and we look forward to continuing to strengthen our ties in the years ahead.”

The Legislative Assembly extends warm wishes to the people of Gibraltar on this important day and looks forward to continued collaboration and friendship with our fellow Overseas Territory.

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