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Montevideo, September 19th 2024 - 06:21 UTC



Harris shows Trump she is not Joseph Biden

Wednesday, September 11th 2024 - 10:28 UTC
Full article 4 comments

The Democratic Party dusted off all fears Tuesday at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania after Vice President Kamala Harris' performance in the TV debate against former President Donald Trump. Read full article


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  • Pugol-H

    Not looking quite so rosy for Donald anymore.

    Different ball game now.

    Sep 11th, 2024 - 12:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    She utterly and completely destroyed him, his lunatic ranting and raving made him look immature and pathetic , it was like watching the Benny Hill show, lmfao,

    Sep 11th, 2024 - 01:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jeff12

    Looks like the Cheney team winning. Party time for weapons manufacturers and investors.

    Sep 11th, 2024 - 03:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Jones

    Jeff, didnt Orange boy Trump claim he spent Billions on the military ? no matter which party is in power the military is always their priority, a little tunnel visioned dont you think.

    Sep 11th, 2024 - 04:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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