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Red and white festivity on Gibraltar National Day 2024

Wednesday, September 11th 2024 - 13:02 UTC
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On a warm sunny day, Gibraltarians in traditional Rock colors of red and white assembled at noon for some short political addresses and to sing the National Anthem On a warm sunny day, Gibraltarians in traditional Rock colors of red and white assembled at noon for some short political addresses and to sing the National Anthem

The 10th of September is celebrated as Gibraltar National Day, to commemorate the referendum held on that date in 1967 in which the people of Gibraltar were asked whether they wished to pass under Spanish sovereignty, remain under British sovereignty, with its own self-governing institutions. The result was a landslide victory for the latter choice.

 The first celebration was held in 1992 by the Self Determination for Gibraltar Group (SDGG) to commemorate the 25th anniversary of that referendum and subsequently a large rally was held in Casemates Square, interrupted only by Covid.

On a warm sunny day, people dressed in the traditional Gibraltar colors of red and white assembled at noon for some short political addresses and to sing the National Anthem.

In attendance were the ministers of the Gibraltar Government, the opposition and a group of eleven MPs and Peers from across the UK political spectrum. Their working visit included a series of meetings, including a briefing with the Chief Minister for an update on the continued negotiations surrounding Gibraltar’s future relationship with the European Union, and a separate briefing with the Deputy Chief Minister on Gibraltar’s simultaneous preparations for a No Negotiated Outcome.

The chairman of the SDGG, Richard Buttigieg addressed the crowd reminding them that it was 20 years since Gibraltar celebrated its tercentenary of being British and had marked this by holding hands around the Rock. He said it was a wonderful message that only the people of Gibraltar could decide its future.

There was a recorded message from Patricia Scotland, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth played out on the large video screens, now a feature of the event, which encouraged the people of Gibraltar to celebrate their self determination with pride and vigour.

The new UK Minister for Europe, Stephen Doughty, representing the Labour Government said there may have been a change of Government in the UK, but there would be no change in the unwavering support for Gibraltar and its self-determination, and the new Chairman of the All-Party Group in the UK Parliament, Amanda Martin, MP for Portsmouth said it was a huge honor to be joining the people of Gibraltar in their celebrations, and to express Commitment and solidarity to its sovereignty and self-determination.

Finally, the Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo gave a lively address in which he read out a warm message from King Charles III and a letter from the new UK Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer hand delivered to the Chief Minister by Minister for Europe, Stephen Doughty, in which he mentioned the Gibraltar flag would be flying over the Foreign Office on this day. He said the UK was committed to working with the Government of Gibraltar to conclude an agreement with the EU as soon as possible, but assured that the UK would never compromise on Sovereignty.

In no uncertain terms, using words taken from Margaret Thatcher, Fabian Picardo made it clear that there would be no compromise on the sovereignty of Gibraltar and that there would be surrender British Sovereignty for any price. He also announced he would be moving a motion to bestow Freedom of the City of Gibraltar to Sir Bob Neill who has been Chairman of Gibraltar Group for 10 years and who was present on stage.

By Jim Watt – Gibraltar

Categories: Politics, International.

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