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Montevideo, September 19th 2024 - 07:41 UTC



Falklands, Self Determination in the 21st Century, Lib-Dems Conference

Thursday, September 12th 2024 - 03:44 UTC
Full article 5 comments

The Liberal-Dem Party new MP for Surrey Heath, Dr Al Pinkerton, was, until his election on July an Associate Professor of Geopolitics specializing in international borders and boundary disputes. Next Sunday, at Conference, he’ll be chairing a fringe meeting about the Falkland Islands at 11:30 am in the Regent Room at the Grand Hotel.  Read full article


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  • Argentine_Cityzen

    There is not aplicance of self determination to the malvinas islands.. its a particular case where the uk evicted and stoled the previus population..
    Keep trying

    Posted 6 days ago - Link - Report abuse -4
  • bushpilot

    It is only a “particular” case because you want what does not belong to you.

    So you call it a “particular” case.

    It is a normal case of Argentina wanting to steal another people's land.

    Stealing another people's land is very normal for Argentina, not particular.

    Posted 6 days ago - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Lie after lie after lie Argie Zit, grow up, get an education and get a life you sully little troll, and while your at it give Argentina to the true natives, and bugger of back to Europe,

    Posted 5 days ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Oh no, we don’t want them in Europe, they can join the migrants in N. Africa or Mexico and take their chances with the rest.

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic

    Which population was evicted?
    Using historic evidence (the logs of the SS Sarandi) please can you name the individuals who were evicted?
    In order to be evicted they would need to meet the following criteria:

    1) Not the crew of the Sarandi who already planned to sail back to Argentina
    2) Not any of the remnants of the Vernet community that had already agreed to leave on the Sarandi BEFORE the HMS Clio arrived
    3) Not the militia who had mutinied, murdered Mestevier and had agreed to leave the islands in the SS Rapid, but were being stopped from leaving by Pinedo.

    The answer of people who left not in those three categories is zero.

    The eviction is a myth, a lie and you are a foolish boy for repeating it.

    Posted 1 day ago - Link - Report abuse 0

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