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Montevideo, September 19th 2024 - 15:32 UTC



Brazil gripped by “climate terrorism,” says Minister Silva

Monday, September 16th 2024 - 14:51 UTC
Full article 1 comment

South America's largest country is going through a wave of 21st Century “terrorism” which capitalizes on the high temperatures and low humidity to set large areas on fire damaging people's health, biodiversity and destroying forests, Climate Change Minister Marina Silva sqaid Sunday, Agencia Brasil reported. The official referred to this phenomenon as “climate terrorism.” Read full article


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  • Jack Bauer

    Marina Silva, an E.T. who claims to be an expert on the environment and a staunch defender of the rain forests, has a pretty lousy record as Minister of the Environment during the PT administrations.

    Now, she is in one hell of a hurry to convince the population that the fires are the action of arsonists.....ok, in “several” cases, they are.

    However, despite the fact that several fires are indeed the work of arsonists, facilitated by the drought and high temperatures, the strange thing is that when the left (PT) was the opposition (2019 /2022), they denied categorically that the climate conditions had anything to do with the fires, blaming the government's policies and the, in 2023/ 2024, with more than double the number of fires registered between 2019/2022, they try to exempt themselves from any responsibility.

    Also, one damning factor which explains the fires in the Pantanal (250,000 square kilometres of wetlands located in the Central-Western region) is the fact that Dilma, while president (2011 / 2016), diverted several rivers that fed the Pantanal, to build a waterway in the Paraguay River.
    So, an enormous area of flooded land, with a once exuberant flora and fauna, is drying up.

    Only after this disastrous decision - despite warnings not to go through with it - did fires become common in the region.

    Posted 1 day ago - Link - Report abuse 0

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