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Montevideo, September 19th 2024 - 17:57 UTC



São Paulo mayoral candidate hits rival with a chair during TV debate

Tuesday, September 17th 2024 - 10:27 UTC
Full article 6 comments

São Paulo's Democratic Socialist Party (PSDB) mayoral candidate José Luiz Datena hit his rival Pablo Marçal of the Partido Renovador Laborista (PRTB) with a chair Sunday during a campaign debate with video footage of the incident going viral. The attacker was carried off the stage and the victim needed medical help. Read full article


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  • Jack Bauer

    Just another day in the life of Brazilian politics.

    Not an uncommom scene in (Brazil's) Congress and in several State legislatures across the country....if you can't get your way through dialogue (or rather, through aggressive discussion), or feel offended (the woke assholes) resort to trying to punch their adversary in the act usually commited by lefties, who have an “inexplicable” aversion to the truth.

    When feeling threatened, lefties also resort to spitting in people's faces, just like camels......examples ? Maria do Rosário and Jean Wyllys ...two pathetic communists.

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • imoyaro

    Just another honest display of views...

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brasileiro

    USCuzão, here I leave you news of a beautiful song that comes from far away. Although I think you won't like this song, since the heart of the hateful fascist is not prepared to see the life that exists outside the sewer where he lives.

    By the way, the two brawlers belong to the same ideology as you. In fact, this Pablo Marçal is an ex-convict convicted of scamming elderly people on the internet.

    Do you see any similarity with yourself? All Bolsonaro supporters either pray for tires or are habitually corrupt.

    Ahh, before I forget, at the end of the world where you hide, the preference is for firearms, right?

    Posted 1 day ago - Link - Report abuse -3
  • imoyaro

    Gee Brasso, “Mas, que nada” ...

    Posted 1 day ago - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    You unfortunately, are the only one on here spewing hatred....but then, you are just being the unhappy, frustrated leftie that you are.

    Well, you got one thing right, I am in favour of owning a gun for self-defence....after all, there are too many ignorant, deranged lefties walking around.

    One thing you obviously haven't realized - I know I'm probably asking too much of you - but guns aren't dangerous, people are.

    Just fyi, in the UK, where guns are banned, the crazies resort to using knives to assault and kill people.....if knives were banned, they'd use hammers, or something, it's the humans you've got to watch out for...

    Posted 1 day ago - Link - Report abuse +1
  • imoyaro

    Interesting comment Jack. In Japan, a culture where historically weapon ownership was strictly regulated by class, there was a term, “Tori Ma” or flying demon, applied to the commoner who finally had it and snapped, running through the town stabbing all they encountered. A problem that transcends language, culture and time...

    Posted 19 hours ago - Link - Report abuse 0

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