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Montevideo, September 27th 2024 - 13:19 UTC



Beginning October Falklands implements Rural Recycling Program

Friday, September 27th 2024 - 08:28 UTC
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Concordia Bay will deliver resources to Fox Bay East and the Outer Islands to support the collection of glass, tins, and cans for final processing in Stanley Concordia Bay will deliver resources to Fox Bay East and the Outer Islands to support the collection of glass, tins, and cans for final processing in Stanley

The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) is pleased to announce a new initiative aimed at expanding the recycling collection service to properties in Camp. In partnership with Workboat Services Ltd, the first phase of this program will begin next month. Resources will be delivered to Fox Bay East and the Outer Islands included on the Concordia Bay schedule to support the collection of glass, tins, and cans for final processing in Stanley.

This initiative is part of FIG’s commitment to sustainability and helps to address some of the waste management challenges faced by rural properties. It is aimed at reducing landfill waste and improving environmental outcomes.

Plans are also underway to further extend this service to other areas in Camp, with more information to be provided in the near future.

FIG appreciates the positive feedback from those who have already expressed an interest in this service and look forward to continuing this engagement as the program evolves.

To register your interest or to obtain further information, please contact:

Kim Greenland, Project Support Assistant; Public Works Department


Tags: Concordia Bay.

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