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Montevideo, September 27th 2024 - 13:20 UTC



Falklands Maritime Authority message on World Maritime Day, “...Safety First”

Friday, September 27th 2024 - 08:36 UTC
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World Maritime Day World Maritime Day

On World Maritime Day, 26th September, the Falkland Islands Maritime Authority released the following,

“This year marks 50 year since the adoption of the 1974 Safety of Life at Sea Convention, which has been key to the regulation of maritime safety and to celebrate the theme of this year's International World Maritime Day is, ”Navigating the Future: Safety First“

”For the Falkland Islands Maritime Authority, the theme serves as a reminder that safety must always come first, regardless of the scale of the task. It also encourages us to reflect on work that enhances maritime safety and security in the spaces we are responsible for, utilizing new technology and innovation whilst also improving environmental protection.

“With the many changes happening in the maritime industry, both offshore and onshore, it is of a vital importance that we keep improving and adopting the safety standards; it's a culture and a mindset that has room for growth to adapt to a large range of factors influencing safety in our tasks.

”As we celebrate this day we would like to remind ourselves and all members of the maritime industry that safety is the responsibility of everyone; if we look after ourselves, our colleagues, the marine environment and the property we use to run our industry”.

Categories: Fisheries, Falkland Islands.

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