MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, September 27th 2024 - 11:22 UTC



Falklands, winners of regional student competition who will spend a week in the Islands

Friday, September 27th 2024 - 08:14 UTC
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The incredible King penguins of which several rookeries exist in the Islands  The incredible King penguins of which several rookeries exist in the Islands

The Falkland Islands Government and the British Embassies in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s regional student competition. Participants from the four countries were asked to submit a short video in English, in which they answered the question: “Why would I like to meet my neighbours in the Falkland Islands?”.

126 students entered the competition. All entries were reviewed and representatives from the Falkland Islands Government and British Embassies of the four countries selected the winners:

• Celeste Giardinelli – Argentina

• Shai Woldarsky – Chile

• Valentina Brum – Uruguay

• Elias Arce Soskin – Paraguay

The winners will travel to the Falkland Islands in January, where they will spend a week experiencing the unique character of the Islands including its food and culture, nature and environment and meeting members of the community.

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