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De Moraes allows X back in Brazil

Wednesday, October 9th 2024 - 10:53 UTC
Full article 14 comments

Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice Alexandre De Moraes Tuesday ordered the social network X reinstated in South America's largest country after banning it for failing to comply with national laws and subsequent court decisions, Agencia Brasil reported. Read full article


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  • Jack Bauer

    “X owner Elon Musk announced the closure of the company's headquarters in Brazil after the network was fined for refusing to comply with the order to take down the profiles of those investigated by the Court for publishing messages considered anti-democratic.”

    “... for publishing messages considered anti-democratic.”

    Considered ant-democratic by whom ???

    By one Supreme Court judge, at the service of the leftist government, to silence people critical of the government's anti-democratic actions.......

    A decision taken by Moraes without any legal foundation, given that the Brazilian Constitution clearly states that freedom of speech is inviolable - with no exceptions, other than if the person's discourse actually threatens someone's safety ......but no surprise, his actions and decisions over the last two years show that he respects the Constitution no more than he does bog roll...

    Oct 09th, 2024 - 03:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Considered ant-democratic by whom ???“

    ”Four of the top five accounts Musk interacts with regularly amplify or create baseless conspiracy theories.

    Two other accounts that experienced massive boosts from Musk either amplified or outright invented conspiracy theories suggesting that Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign adopted a Nazi slogan; that Ukraine sold weapons to Hamas; and that Venezuelan immigrants had overtaken an apartment complex

    The analysis follows past findings from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which in August published a report identifying 50 instances of Musk posting false election claims in 2024, accruing nearly 1.2 billion views. Musk lost a July 2023 lawsuit against the center in which he accused it of conspiring to drive advertisers off his X platform.”

    Oct 09th, 2024 - 05:09 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    Long time since seen or read your irrelevant opinions....have not missed them.

    But I suspected I could trust you to raise your ugly head, and spout your usual supercilious bullcrap.

    “Considered anti-democratic by whom ?”

    Looks like you have NOT grasped the real issue here..... several months ago, Moraes, the self-appointed sheriff of Brazil, instructed “X” to delete certain posts / terminate certain “X” accounts which, using their Constitutional right to free speech, offended the sheriff.

    “X” refused, based on the principle of free speech....But Moraes simply ignored that specific right to free speech enshrined in the Constitutions of democratic countries, including Brazil - for the time-being.

    If anyone feels they have been personally offended or had their honour disrespected, there are already umpteen laws to prosecute the 'offender'...

    So, Moraes took it upon himself to feel offended by some well deserved criticism of recent actions (disrespect of the Constitution) and “he” decided to punish “X”.....what happened later, is simply the result of a confrontation, in which Moraes continued to go beyond his competence.....

    Fact is Moraes used anti-democratic measures to stop what he, and only he, (plus the more radical lefties in Government) presumed to be anti-democratic speech.

    Any ruling by a judge, which falls outside of the basic Constituional rights, is illegal. I thought you would know that.

    Last but not least, you must be consulting the wrong sources for your information - as usual..

    Oct 11th, 2024 - 04:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Considered ant-democratic by whom ???“

    ”The whom is at

    Two other accounts that experienced massive boosts from Musk either amplified or outright invented conspiracy theories suggesting that Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign adopted a Nazi slogan; that Ukraine sold weapons to Hamas; and that Venezuelan immigrants had overtaken an apartment complex

    The analysis follows past findings from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which in August published a report identifying 50 instances of Musk posting false election claims in 2024, accruing nearly 1.2 billion views. Musk lost a July 2023 lawsuit against the center in which he accused it of conspiring to drive advertisers off his X platform.”

    Oct 12th, 2024 - 01:33 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    I was quite sure you'd sidestep the issue - Moraes acting as a dictator, ignoring the Law - as you have.....obviously you're too thick to understand what a 5 year-old would.

    Oct 12th, 2024 - 08:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “I was quite sure you'd sidestep the issue.” You certainly have Ollie

    “Elon Musk and the danger to democracy

    What, if anything, can democracies do to address the danger posed by online disinformation.

    Many political leaders, including Starmer, the Irish government, EU commissioners, and US senators, have called for an inquiry into social media’s role in spreading incendiary disinformation. I have no idea what the best legal remedy would be that was consistent with democratic and free speech values. I do know, however, that whatever he says, Musk is no fan of either. He revels in conflict and is fascinated by the possibility of collapse”

    Oct 13th, 2024 - 10:36 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    “...danger to democracy. ”

    Coming from you, that's a laugh...talking of “online disinformation”, you've spread your fair share of it on here, haven't you F*ckwitt ? and when someone disagrees with you, you know what happens, don't you ?

    If the disinformtion is “incendiary”, as you put it, there are already laws in place to deal with it.
    The problem here is that the information was about Moraes' continued disrespect for the Constitution, which he swore to defend......there were online petitions for his impeachment (totally democratic, allowed by the Constitution), one reaching 4.8 million supporters, which suddenly disappeared from the social networks....

    Give you one guess who was responsible for its disappearence.

    Oct 14th, 2024 - 03:40 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “...danger to democracy. ”

    Moraes is completely in accord with the best legal practise of preventing a prima facie libeler from benefiting from his own wrongdoing; under the guise of 'free speech'. Whether, it is on behalf of himself or a third party, all are held to the tenet of “do no harm”.

    ”... its deployment has now extended to other areas including bioethics more broadly, education, the environment and internet ethics. It is held to apply to the decision-making of all actors, from individuals and corporations to governments and their regulators.

    The canonical statement on harm occurs in JS Mill’s Essay ‘On Liberty’ where he sets forward ‘One very simple principle’. In summary form this reads:

    ‘The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of their number, is self-protection…the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others’.

    On Liberty (1974), pp. 68-69, Penguin Books.

    Moraes' judgment is impeccably meritorious, thus Musk is culpable.
    Game, set, and match.

    Oct 14th, 2024 - 05:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    No use trying to educate you.....what Moraes did is not “in accord with the best legal practise” if his decision does not respect the “Brazilian” Constitution (free speech).

    Not sure if it will enter your head this time, but I'll repeat - there are laws that already exist to take care of libelers - which is not an issue to be dealt with by the Supreme Court.

    You really have little or no idea what Moraes has been doing over the last two years....if someone on “X” had slandered, or criticized, the actions of a person on the right, that would have gone unnoticed by the bald-headed dictator.

    Oct 15th, 2024 - 04:58 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Which is not an issue to be dealt with by the Supreme Court.”

    Except for:

    Crimes in the Penal Code

    Article 138 - Slandering someone, charging them falsely with a fact defined as a crime:
    Penalty - imprisonment from six months to two years and fine.

    § 1 - The same penalty applies to those who knowingly propagate or publish the falsehood.

    § 2 - Is punishable, slander against the dead.

    § 3 - It is recognized proof of the truth, unless:
    I - if the offended has not been convicted by a final judgment;
    II - the fact is attributed to any of the persons mentioned in item I of Article 141;
    III - if the offended was acquitted by a final sentence.

    Article 139 - Defaming someone, charging them of fact offensive to his reputation:
    Penalty - imprisonment of three (3) months to one (1) year and a fine.

    Article 140 - Insulting someone, offending his dignity or decorum:
    Penalty - detention of one to six months, or a fine.

    § 1 - The court may forego applying the penalty
    I - when the offended, the reprehensible manner, directly caused the injury;
    II - for immediate retaliation, consisting of another injury.

    ”Elon Musk expands his empire of misinformation

    (He) is someone who promotes and appears to relish misinformation and hyperbole on a mass scale, whether he’s speaking to investors, his millions of followers on X or whichever politician he feels is most likely to agree with his increasingly right-wing and conspiracy-laden worldview.

    That’s where Musk and others promote racist conspiracies and false rumors about federal hurricane relief to his more than 200 million followers, even as officials are pleading for help to stop the misinformation (which former President Donald Trump is also spreading).

    That is far from harmless musing on the internet.

    Over the weekend, federal emergency workers were forced to halt their in hurricane-hit North Carolina after National Guard troops reported that an “armed militia” was “hunting FEMA,”

    Oct 15th, 2024 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Over the last few years, and especially within the last two, the STF has trampled on the Constitution several times, only to replace it with rulings based on their opinions and political convictions.

    One of the most blatant examples was how they ruled against the perpetrators of the Jan 8th, 2023 invasion, who vandalized the buildings of the three Government branches in Brasilia.

    They were denied their right to a court hearing - the right of anyone arrested red-handed, to be taken before the judicial authority within 24 hours, in order it be decided whether the arrest was legal and if the person should be detained, all in the presence of their lawyer....

    None of this happened. No court hearings were held, the detainees were denied their right to speak to a lawyer, and were held in custody for months without any contact with their lawyers, or their families. One was even refused medical attention, and died while in custody..

    What was their crime ? Vandalism...or perhaps you think that 1,000 unarmed idiots were there with the intention of toppling the government with their pathertic display ?

    They were accused of terrorism and had their Constitutional rights denied. Even people who were not inside the buildings, but only in the vicinity, were scooped up likewise. Most have been condemned to 17 years in prison.

    In 2016 when Dilma was impeached, the then president of the STF (ex-PT lawyer Lewandoswki), wangled it so that she could keep her political rights, in flagrant disrespect of Article 52 of the Constitution.

    And the list doesn't stop criticize the STF, exposing the truth, will result in your being investigated and some bogus accusation thrown at you.
    Very democratic, don't you think ?

    Oct 16th, 2024 - 09:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “What was their crime”

    Their intent was to incite a coup.

    “They were accused of terrorism”
    That it wasn't?
    Tell it to marines.

    ”(Dilma) could keep her political rights, in flagrant disrespect of Article 52 of the Constitution“.

    ”Impeachment of Rousseff's a coup, decides the International Court.
    No liability crime
    ..The judges also considered that, with regard to the process of object authorized by the Supreme Court and analyzed by the National Congress, called “tax pedaling”, it is proven that Dilma committed no crime of responsibility, which would justify her suspension: ”Understandably Article 85 of the Constitution, it is not necessary to be confused between violation of the budget and violation of the rules of their financial implementation. The latter are linked to standards of financial management and not the budget law. Since they are not budgetary rules, the violation can not be the responsibility of crime object.

    The official reason for impeachment—that Rousseff improperly moved funds from a federal bank to cover cash-flow shortfalls in government programs (all the funds were repaid to the federal bank)—is a practice that Brazilian presidents have used in the past and is not a crime. Rousseff has not been accused of any personal enrichment or of being connected with Brazil’s widespread political corruption.

    A recent report by the Public Prosecutor’s office found that Rousseff is not guilty of any crime.“

    ”Elon Musk is piling onto all the hurricane disinformation.

    Musk has helped spread accusations that the Federal Emergency Management Agency “actively blocked” donations to victims of Helene and is “seizing goods … and locking them away to state they are their own”
    Musk also amplified rumors that authorities in North Carolina had “taken control to stop people helping” stricken residents and accusations that sheriffs were threatening to arrest FEMA staff “if they hinder rescue and aid work.”

    Oct 17th, 2024 - 12:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    As usual, you always go off at a tangent to avoid addressing the real issue.

    So in your “superior ” mind, a few hundred (unarmed) idiots vandalizing public buildings represents an attempt to “incite a coup” ? unlikely, as the the head of the Army had already stated it would not participate in anything unconstitutional.

    “”Impeachment of Rousseff's a coup, decides the International Court.
    No liability crime”
    Her impeachment followed the Brazilian Constitution 100%, in the same manner that it did in 1992 when Collor was impeached. And the Int'l Court has absolutely no say in this matter.
    Her crime ? forcing the 2 public banks to loan billions to the government (to cover a humongous deficit), without Congress' prior approval, and instructing the presidents of both banks to keep the loans off the books...(the so-called “pedaladas”), an impeachable offense.
    The fact she forced the banks to loan the money has been proven beyond any doubt. It's all documented. Even Dilma, after denying all knowledge of it, later tried to justify it, and finally confessed...need more proof than that ?

    The issue here is not Elon Musk, whether you like him or not is irrelevant - what matters is that the STF (Alexandre de Moraes), for the 'n'th time, acted unconstitutionally and decided to ban “X” from Brazil without the due process, as guaranteed by the Constitution. Might be a good idea if you consulted the “Constitution, Article # 5”, instead of the “Penal Code”.

    As for the “quebra-quebra” on Jan 8th, they turned a mole hill into a mountain. Nine-fingers, as well as his Minister o Justice, Flavio Dino, immediately blamed everything on the previous administration, without any proof - at that moment, or even later. - which carries on until today....just need to listen to nine-finger's speeches to to his 'comrades', not open to the general public, he can't resist using that expedient to distract from his own malfeasance.

    Oct 18th, 2024 - 05:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    ”So in your mind, a few hundred (unarmed) idiots vandalizing public buildings represents an attempt to “incite a coup”
    It is the perfect description of terrorism.

    ”Professor Leonardo Avritzer of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais told Agência Brasil in December 2015 that the political crisis was tied to Rousseff's inability to negotiate with Congress, and that Brazil's fragmented political system (and many political parties) had created an ungovernable government.“

    ”Brazilian Prosecutor Declares Dilma Rousseff Not Guilty of Budgetary Maneuvers
    By Desirée Mota and Sophie-Anne Baril,

    Research Associates at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs
    On July 14, Brazilian Prosecutor Ivan Claudio Marx reported that the delaying of
    payments to banks made by President Dilma Rousseff’s administration does not
    constitute a crime of responsibility.1 Marx stated that the maneuvers, known as fiscal
    pedaling, were “a violation of the contract between the government and the banks but not
    a crime.” 2 The prosecutor’s report even advised terminating the criminal case on
    Rousseff’s accounting practices“

    ”Elon Musk is spending big to boost Trump’s turnout..”
    https ://

    Birds of feather flock together.
    JB “Your insistence that I'm a fascist”
    Brazil's corruption scandals reach Lula da Silva: ...
    12 Jack Bauer; “..'Military dictatorship', ..history is showing,.. that it was good for Brazil
    50 Jack Bauer; “Military taking over again, ….. they did it to prevent Brazil from being handed over to the communists. ... the Military , I hope, would be there again to save Brazil
    Brazil remembers the 50th anniversary of the coupe…
    15 Jack Bauer; “..Am pretty sure that military are accompanying all this … I hope they DO take over...”
    JB “The military option was better than the comm

    Oct 18th, 2024 - 05:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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