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Montevideo, October 14th 2024 - 16:22 UTC



Falklands lawmakers check progress of new sports facility

Monday, October 14th 2024 - 08:21 UTC
Full article 1 comment
MLAs checking the pitch MLAs checking the pitch

The Falklands National Sports Council, NSC, was very pleased to welcome MLAs Teslyn Barkman, Pete Biggs, Jack Ford, Mark Pollard, Leona Roberts, and Gavin Short to the new sports facility for an update on progress.

It was great to see the framework for the new centre almost complete and work underway for the base slab, the grandstands at the pitch under construction, the all weather netball/basketball court that forms part of the cricket grounds behind the sports centre, along with the associated cricket oval and pavilion building which should see its first match in December.

Back in 2019, the Falkland Islands Government (FIG) and the National Sports Council (NSC) agreed that investment in sports in the Falkland Islands was a key priority and a dedicated sports facility should be developed. FIG’s technical experts calculated that the cost of the facilities that would be required to future proof the facility would be around £6-£10m depending on detailed specifications.

The National Sports Council offered to take on delivery of the sports facility building and pitch, with FIG agreeing to deliver the necessary enabling infrastructure such as roads, site clearance operations, power and utilities. £3m was allocated to the NSC for their element of the project.

However following he COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and other unexpected turns in world markets, costs increased, and last January it was agreed to increase the budgets for both the FIG and NSC works.

Additionally, the NSC has been successful in fundraising from the private sector. The generous donations from the private sector will not be used on core costs, but instead put towards purchasing facilities and supporting enhancements to the new facility. Enhancements include: *Glice, artificial ice for the skating rink * A higher quality sports floor* An enhanced quality climbing wall and digital training board, * a lift to the mezzanine floor and + Spectator stands and toilets for the outdoor pitch.

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  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Great to see the improving sports facilities for Stanley, need to get the roof on the grandstand finished soon though,

    Posted 6 hours ago 0
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