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Falklands, National Minimum Wage accommodation offset survey extends deadline to 3 November

Monday, October 21st 2024 - 20:02 UTC
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The accommodation offset rate sets allows employers to offset some of the cost of providing accommodation to workers against their wages paid The accommodation offset rate sets allows employers to offset some of the cost of providing accommodation to workers against their wages paid

The Falkland Islands government has announced that the current deadline for consultation responses on the National Minimum Wage accommodation offset has been extended by two weeks to Sunday 3 November 2024. This is to allow time for additional engagement sessions to take place. The original deadline for responses was Sunday 20 October 2024.

 The accommodation offset rate sets allows employers to offset some of the cost of providing accommodation to workers against their wages paid. This comes into consideration when a worker lives in accommodation provided to them by their employer and they are charged for this through deductions to their gross salary.

The offset has been in place, unchanged, since 2013 and there have been several issues raised with how it works. FIG is seeking the views of affected workers and employers to understand the impact of the offset rate and how it should apply in future.

Drop-in sessions will take place on the following dates:

• Goose Green, 12-1:30pm, Thursday 24 October 2024*
• Port Howard, date and time to be confirmed

Further information on the offset rate, the feedback survey and FAQ documents can be found online by visiting:

Alternatively, paper versions can be found in the Secretariat. Copies are available in English, Spanish, Tagalog and Shona.

*This session will also host a drop-in as part of the equality matters community views survey.

Categories: Tourism, Falkland Islands.

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