Former Uruguayan President José Pepe Mujica was recuperating Friday after a successful operation, according to the leftwing leader's head physician Raquel Pannone, who also pointed out that the patient was calm and quiet, albeit in pain. She also mentioned that, after a stent was placed in his esophagus, he could continue feeding orally.
Pannone also told reporters in Montevideo that Mujica would remain at the Casmu sanatorium until he is better and can tolerate food orally, at which time he will be deemed fit to return home.
Last Monday, the 89-year-old Mujica underwent a study during which it was detected that the esophageal orifice had become so small that it did not allow the passage of food. Hence the need for Friday's procedure to place the metallic device that adheres to the walls of the esophagus and stays there, widening the esophageal lumen and allowing the passage of food, Pannone also explained.
Back in June, the former president completed a radiotherapy treatment for the esophageal cancer diagnosed in April. In August, Pannone said she had strong convictions that the cancer had been cured. However, the radiotherapy had side effects on the esophagus, leading to the placement of a tube directly into his stomach in September to allow him to eat better.
I hope he evolves well, Pannone also said Friday.
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