In March 2013, the people of the Falkland Islands went to the polls. With a turnout of 92%, 99.8% of the electorate voted to remain a British Overseas Territory. This was self-determination in action, and self-determination remains at the heart of the Falklands' relationship with the UK today. The following video covers the period from 1968 to the current situation and celebrations in 2013 of such an historic referendum Self-determination is a fundamental human right enshrined in Article One, Paragraph Two of the United Nations Charter. Read full article
Disclaimer & comment rulesThe Falkland Islands are Argentine; they were forcibly seized by the British Empire in 1833.
Posted 17 hours ago - Link - Report abuse -3The islands were part of Spain, a fact recognized on several occasions by London.
The islands were left uninhabited due to the struggles for independence and self-determination of the current Argentine Republic.
Key dates of Argentine self-determination: 1810 and 1816.
Argentina took possession of the islands in 1820 without British protest.
London recognized Argentine independence in 1825 without claiming the islands. Madrid recognized Argentine independence in 1863, ceding its territory, including the Falkland Islands.
The current inhabitants of the islands arrived after the territory was seized from Argentina.
The inhabitants of the islands are not a people subjugated by a colonial power but are part of the same colonial power.
The self-proclaimed people of the Falkland Islands do not have the right to self-determination like other human beings at certain times in history, such as Nigeria, Rhodesia, South Africa, etc.
The 1982 conflict serves as a stark reminder that the islands are not British; they have been claimed by Argentina since 1833, and each of the crosses in the Argentine cemetery are markers of sovereignty that will tell all citizens of the world who visit the islands that Argentina will continue to fight until it recovers them.
Posted 16 hours ago - Link - Report abuse +2What did the UN ICJ say about the applicability of self-determination in 2019? Self-Determination Non-Self-Governing Territories (1 pg):
Malvinense 1833
Posted 15 hours ago - Link - Report abuse +1You are so wrong. I notice you avoid all that period before Spain and I notice you avoid the agreement by Spain to return all British possessions on the falkland islands to what it was in 1776. That agreement effectively stopped any dispute between Spain and Britain.
Along come Argentina who broke away from Spain and who was nowhere near the islands in 1816 but attempted to try and sneak these islands away on the pretences Spain gave them to you.
That was never the case and you were removed in 1833 rightfully and again in 1982 . The reason you still only elude to this as a claim, because that is all it is a mythical claim. One you are not prepared to take to the ICJ because you know you don't have a case. So why keep up the lies. Time you started concentrating on the mess you have made Argentina and it's people. They are sick of the persistent claim, because even they now know it's all a myth. Argentina simply did not exist in 1776 or indeed in 1816. They never got their agreement with Spain untill 1863. So how on earth could Argentina even hoped to get anything that Spain may or may not once have had. The case is so weak it is a joke.
Now I challange you to take it to the ICJ and ask them why the Falkland Islanders under the UN charter have the right to determine their own future. I would love to hear how you get on with that one.
1833, you are a fraud. nothing you have posted is remotely true, no credibility , nothing more than a silly fanatic wasting his life on a pack of lies, time your wife or husband sat you down and had a chat,
Posted 15 hours ago - Link - Report abuse +1Falklands Free:
Posted 14 hours ago - Link - Report abuse -2I may be mistaken, but the only country that refused to enter into talks from the beginning of the conflict was yours.
It has often been said that the English clandestinely established themselves in Port Egmont.
Spain returned the fort and port to save English honor. And indeed, that agreement ended the dispute over the islands. The English recognized Spanish sovereignty and withdrew, while the Spanish remained on the islands, occupying them.
If Argentina wasn't close to the islands in 1816, imagine England then.
You also forget that Argentina took possession of the islands in 1820, a fact published in The Times of London without a single English claim.
«Uti possidetis iuris means that the territory belonging to the old colonial administration is transferred to the newly independent State. No express cession of sovereignty is required by the colonial power. The new State inherits the same territory by virtue of its existence as a State. The fact that Spain had not formally recognised Argentina, and only signed a Treaty of Recognition, Peace and Friendship on September 21st, 1863, is absolutely irrelevant for the sovereignty dispute. Moreover, by virtue of this treaty, Spain recognised the Argentine Republic or Confederation as a free, sovereign and independent Nation, made up of all the provinces appearing in its Federal constitution in force, besides the territories that legally belong or will belong in future to that Nation.
Article 4 further recognises the 25th of May, 1810 as the date of Argentine succession to Spain’s rights and obligations.»
Credits: Kohen - Rodríguez
The Falkland Islands are Argentine; they were forcibly seized by the British Empire in 1833.
Posted 13 hours ago - Link - Report abuse 0The islands were part of Spain, a fact recognized on several occasions by London.
..It is therefore not surprising that the General Assembly declared in 1970 that the modem prohibition against the acquisition of territory by conquest should not be construed as affecting titles to territory created 'prior to the Charter regime and valid under international law'..
Akehursts Modern Introduction to International Law By Peter Malanczuk
The confidential draft of CONVENTION OF PEACE, arranged with H. E. the Honourable Henry Southern Esquire, and referred by him to the Government of H. B. M. and which is the same that same that has been accepted without any alteration by the Government of H.M., and signed by the Argentine and British Plenipotentiaries, after the exchange of their respective powers, Juan M. De Rosa.
Buenos Ayres, December 27th 1849. Chamber of Representatives
Legal Definition of uti possidetis
: a principle in international law that recognizes a peace treaty between parties as vesting each with the territory and property under its control unless otherwise stipulated
Fanatical Argie troll, how wrong you are, about everything,
Posted 9 hours ago - Link - Report abuse 0Argentina tried to block the islanders right to self determination at the UN, it was rejected outright, you live in a stupid fantasy world, if never giving up fighting for the islands means posting lies year after year, then you will be sadly disappointed as it achieves diddly squat, as for your claim that the UK recognised Argie authority, only on planet Uranus and not in the real world, as for Kohen-Rodriguez, what they write is nothing more than a fantasy novel akin to a childs comic, the Malvinas myth was invented in the 1940s by Peron, when asked why he made up this nonsense, his reply was it makes a good story,
so in short either put up and take your claim to court or stfu, you bore people to death, i fell sorry for your family,
Posted 7 hours ago - Link - Report abuse 0Are the people of Canada a subjugated people by colonial power or Australia?
What about Argentina?
Your African examples are not relevant, the Falklands like almost all the Americas are a European people.
The Argentine natives were of course massacred by the Spanish invaders and more recently in patagonia by the Argentines.
It is interesting you grant the Spanish Argentines in 1810 the right to self determination but deny the same right to the falkland islanders
Argentina did not take possession of the islands in made a claim in full knowledge of at least two other claims.
Nobody was evicted, its all bollox.
you are the last troll standing on this site.
All the others disappeared when the peronists were voted out and Milei came in....why do you think that was?
you were the only one daft enough to believe the malvinista bollox not on the payroll!!!
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