MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, September 19th 2024 - 00:19 UTC

Tag: Arauco-Malleco Coordinating Committee (CAM)

  • Tuesday, June 4th 2024 - 20:42 UTC

    Llaitul goes on hunger strike to demand a prompt Chilean Supreme Court review of his case

    Llaitul, 56, is one of the founders of the CAM, the oldest radical group in southern Chile claiming to defend ancestral land rights

    Convicted Mapuche leader Héctor Llaitul Monday went on a hunger strike from his Chilean prison to protest against his 23-year jail sentence for timber theft, usurpation of land, and assault on authorities since the 1990s.

  • Sunday, April 28th 2024 - 13:37 UTC

    Chile in mourning after murder of 3 Carabineros officers

    Boric decreed three days of national mourning and pledged to capture those responsible

    Three non-commissioned officers of Chile's Carabineros Police were killed early Saturday in an ambush in the town of Cañete, near the city of Concepción, in the Bío Bío region some 500 kilometers south of Santiago. The crime, which is still under investigation, shocked the entire country. President Gabriel Boric Font promised it would not go unpunished and other officials even called for the reinstatement of the death penalty.