Brazil's Lower House Speaker Arthur Lira spoke Monday against Europe's protectionism, particularly that of France, and announced that a bill would be voted on this week providing for economic reciprocity. If approved, the Brazilian government would be prevented from signing any international agreements with clauses restricting the import of Brazilian products unless the signatory countries adopt equivalent environmental protection measures.
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva discussed his meeting last Sunday at the Alvorada Palace with House Speaker Arthur Lira over breakfast with reporters in Brasilia Tuesday morning saying that their differences were normal.
Congressman Arthur Lira (PP-AL) was reelected Wednesday as Speaker of Brazil's Lower House for the next two years. It will be Lira's fourth term on the post after garnering a record 464 votes. The second most-voted candidate was Deputy Chico Alencar (PSOL-RJ) with 21 votes, followed by Deputy Marcel Van Hatten (Novo-RS) with 19 votes. There were also five blank votes.
Brazil's House of Deputies Tuesday voted against President Jair Bolsonaro's plan to make changes to the electronic voting system, which would have allowed for more reliable monitoring of post-election counting.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro went to Congress to deliver a provisional measure associated with his government’s plans to privatize state-run electricity provider Eletrobras.
Brazil’s right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro sponsored candidates are expected to win control of Congress next month, politicians and analysts said on Monday, despite controversy of the management of the pandemic.