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Montevideo, March 30th 2025 - 16:37 UTC

Tag: Martin Guzman

  • Tuesday, September 3rd 2024 - 10:55 UTC

    Former Argentine president sued for extending Covid-19 lockdowns beyond sanitary needs

    Martín Guzmán said he believed the pandemic gave Alberto Fernández additional political strength

    Federal Prosecutor Guillermo Marijuan and Buenos Aires City Congressman Yamil Santoro filed separate criminal complaints Monday against former President Alberto Fernández after Martín Guzmán, who served as Economy Minister under him, said in an interview that the Covid-19 quarantines were extended for political gain rather than out of a sanitary concern.

  • Saturday, July 30th 2022 - 10:09 UTC

    IDB changes mind, and is again prepared to extend development loans to Argentina

    Claver-Carone’s letter followed in effect a first tumultuous weekend when Economy minister, Martín Guzman with an international reputation, resigned

    Only last Monday Mauricio Claver-Carone, president of the Inter American Development Bank, IDB, published a letter in the Wall Street Journal blasting “Argentina's tumultuous financial record”, adding that IDB ”cannot rubber-stamp loan requests, without prudently ensuring it has a development impact.”

  • Monday, July 4th 2022 - 22:09 UTC

    Argentina's new Economy Minister sworn in

    Batakis thanked CFK but not Alberto Fernández for her appointment

    Argentina's newly-appointed Economy Minister, Silvina Batakis, made a brief statement to the press minutes after taking her oath of office, during which she vowed to stay on the present course of action left behind by her predecessor Martín Guzmán, who resigned Saturday.

  • Monday, July 4th 2022 - 10:43 UTC

    Alberto Fernández picks Silvina Batakis as new Economy Minister

    Batakis' resumé includes various positions within the Buenos Aires provincial administration since 1992.

    Argentine President Alberto Fernández chose Silvina Batakis as the new Economy Minister following the resignation of Martín Guzmán during the weekend, a move which has prompted a rise in the informal exchange rate between the local peso and the US dollar, thus fueling already seemingly unstoppable inflation.

  • Sunday, July 3rd 2022 - 14:26 UTC

    Argentine Economy Minister resigns, President's fate at stake

    Guzmán's resignation fueled inflation and left President Fernández on the brink of an early departure

    Martín Guzmán has turned in his resignation Saturday as Economy Minister of Argentina, dealing with what many regards as a coup de grace to the administration of President Alberto Fernández, amid rampant inflation and growing popular discontent following additional restrictive measures regarding imports and the purchase of hard currency (namely US dollars) for transactions abroad, where the local peso carries no weight.

  • Tuesday, May 24th 2022 - 10:25 UTC

    Argentina: Domestic Trade Secretary resigns over ministerial rearrangement

    Guillermo Hang has been entrusted with bringing down one of the world's highest inflations

    Argentina's Domestic Trade Secretary Roberto Feletti has turned in his resignation after his office was relocated from the Ministry of Productive Development to the Ministry of Economy.

  • Friday, May 13th 2022 - 09:55 UTC

    Argentina's inflation for April of 2022 set at 6% – worst YoY data in 30 years

    In January of 1992, year-on-year inflation reached 76%

    Argentina's National Institute for Statistics and Census (Indec) Thursday announced that inflation for the month of April of 2022 had reached 6% for a total of 58% in the last 12 months, which turned out to be the country's highest figure in 30 years.

  • Wednesday, May 11th 2022 - 20:36 UTC

    US Ambassador compliments Argentine gov't

    President Fernández is “taking this ship to a good port,” Stanley said.

    The United States Ambassador to Buenos Aires was full of praise for Economy Minister Martín Guzmán's handling of the recent deal between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), saying “the work he did was impressive.”

  • Monday, May 9th 2022 - 10:55 UTC

    Argentine President off to Europe, leaves country in hands of internal rivals

    “The idea is to be able to continue with the insertion of Argentina in the world,” Cerruti said.

    Argentine President Alberto Fernández is leaving Monday on a European tour that regardless of what it may achieve (or not) in economic and political terms, will at least remove him from the spotlight of controversies within the ruling Frente de Todos (FdT) while at the same time leaving Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) at the helm of the Executive.

  • Tuesday, May 3rd 2022 - 09:55 UTC

    Argentina's Economy Minister in President Fernández's Achilles tendon

    Guzmán's agreement with the IMF needs reviewing because it was based on inflationary projections which have already fallen short of reality's figures

    As Argentina's inflation continues to grow with no end in sight and the news is that guidelines agreed upon with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) already need to be reviewed because they were based on a CPI that is no longer attainable, Economy Minister Martín Guzmán is beginning to take flak from friends and foes alike, casting doubts on his chances of remaining in office.
