In March 2013, the people of the Falkland Islands went to the polls. With a turnout of 92%, 99.8% of the electorate voted to remain a British Overseas Territory. This was self-determination in action, and self-determination remains at the heart of the Falklands' relationship with the UK today. The following video covers the period from 1968 to the current situation and celebrations in 2013 of such an historic referendum Self-determination is a fundamental human right enshrined in Article One, Paragraph Two of the United Nations Charter.
40 commentsThe Liberal-Dem Party new MP for Surrey Heath, Dr Al Pinkerton, was, until his election on July an Associate Professor of Geopolitics specializing in international borders and boundary disputes. Next Sunday, at Conference, he’ll be chairing a fringe meeting about the Falkland Islands at 11:30 am in the Regent Room at the Grand Hotel.
The Orkney Islands could change their status in the UK or even become a self-governing territory of Norway under new proposals. A motion will go before the council next week to investigate “alternative forms of governance”. Council leader James Stockan said Orkney does not get fair funding with its current relationship with the UK.
President Alberto Fernández Monday told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that more Britons were living in Argentina than in the Falkland Islands, but that did not change an iota the Conservative's leader stance that there was nothing to talk about in that regard because Falkland Islanders, like all people, have a right to self-determination, according to his post-meeting comments to the press quoted by Clarín.
By Marcelo Kohen (*) An international symposium on the concepts of self-determination, devolution, and independence took place last week in Gibraltar, organized by the Garrison Library and sponsored by the local government.
The following column was published in The Malta Times - After her first meeting with Pope Francis, Argen¬tina’s President, Cristina Fernandez, admitted that she tried to recruit the newly-elected Argentine-born Pontiff to support her efforts to gain control of the Falkland Islands. In spite of this predictable move, the Vatican is unlikely to intervene publicly in this conflict.
By Sir Peter Westmacott (*) - Where in the world can you celebrate Margaret Thatcher Day with five kinds of wild penguins? Nowhere but in the Falkland Islands, a windswept archipelago in the South Atlantic that’s about the same area as Connecticut but has a population of only 3.100. This weekend, these small islands with a big personality face a momentous choice: a referendum to decide their political future.
The issue of the political status of the self-governed British overseas territory Falkland Islands has dominated (non-relations) and relations since the British and Argentine war in 1982 after the Argentine military government invaded the Islands, writes Alicia Dunkley-Willis from the Jamaica Observer who recently visited the Falklands.
By John Fowler — “The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write and print with freedom...”. French National Assembly, Declaration of the Rights of Man, August 26, 1789.
By Roger Edwards, Falklands MLA - Published in The Guardian
The Falkland Islands have been much in the news of late, and we are extremely grateful for the strong support we have and are receiving from the people and the government of the UK.