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Montevideo, July 27th 2024 - 00:59 UTC

Tag: STF

  • Thursday, June 27th 2024 - 09:26 UTC

    Brazil's STF sets 40 grams of marijuana cap between users and traffickers

    Barroso said the STF should set the amount because decisions concerning people's freedom were to be made and a criterion was needed

    Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruled Wednesday that 40 grams of marijuana or six female plants of Cannabis sativa was the limit marking the difference between personal consumption and trafficking, Agencia Brasil reported. The understanding was reached after a decision the previous day whereby using the substance for personal recreation or medicinal purposes should not be penalized. At the time, most justices concurred on this issue but disagreed on how to differentiate the two possibilities.

  • Friday, June 21st 2024 - 11:01 UTC

    Argentina answers requirement from Brazil's STF regarding Jan. 8 fugitives

    An extradition request has not yet been filed against these people allegedly involved in the Jan. 8, 2022, riots in Brasilia

    Argentina's Foreign Ministry sent a note to its Brazilian counterpart explaining the situation of 83 asylum seekers from that country who had fled to avoid jail following their alleged involvement in the Jan 8., 2022, riots in Brasilia, it was reported Thursday in Buenos Aires after some government officials denied these refuge requests existed. Buenos Aires' note was in response to a requirement from the Supreme Federal Court (STF).

  • Tuesday, April 9th 2024 - 09:58 UTC

    Brazilian Senate Speaker says regulating social media inevitable

    According to Pacheco, there needs to be legal discipline on the subject

    Amid the controversy between X owner Elon Musk and Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice Alexandre De Moraes, Brazilian Senate Speaker Rodrigo Pacheco said Monday that regulating social media in South America's largest country was inevitable, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Thursday, November 30th 2023 - 10:39 UTC

    Brazil: Does STF's last ruling dent freedom of expression?

    The rationale was drafted by Justice Alexandre De Moraes

    Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) Wednesday issued a ruling opening the door to criminalizing journalistic work, it was reported in Brasilia. As per the new rationale, the media can be held legally responsible for the publication of interviews with people who falsely attribute crimes to third parties and such a doctrine is to be used by lower courts to hold news outlets accountable.

  • Thursday, September 7th 2023 - 10:35 UTC

    Lula's imprisonment “a big mistake” rules Brazil's STF

    “I was surprised by the authorities who abused their functions,” Toffoli said

    Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruled Wednesday that the evidence gathered in the Lava Jato case against Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva must be suppressed because it was obtained illegally by then-judge Sergio Moro. The STF also said that the current president's imprisonment in that case was a mistake.

  • Thursday, June 22nd 2023 - 10:52 UTC

    Brazilian Senate approves Zanin for STF post

    Zanin, 47, will be able to serve on the Court until the mandatory retirement age of 75

    With 58 votes in favor and 18 against, Brazil's Senate Wednesday approved the appointment of former President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva's lawyer Cristiano Zanin to the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to fill the vacancy left by Ricardo Lewandowski, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Friday, June 2nd 2023 - 11:20 UTC

    Lula picks his own lawyer for Supreme Court

    Zanin was Lula's lawyer throughout the Lava Jato case

    Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva Thursday chose his personal lawyer Cristiano Zanin Martins to become a new member of the Supreme Federal Court (STF). Zanin would fill the opening left by Ricardo Lewandowski's early retirement in April.

  • Thursday, June 1st 2023 - 10:27 UTC

    Former Brazilian President Collor sentenced to nearly 9 years for corruption

    Former president Collor will not be arrested immediately because he may still appeal the ruling

    Former Brazilian President Fernando Collor de Melo was sentenced by the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to 8 years and 10 months in jail Tuesday for having received some US$4 million to “irregularly facilitate contracts” between a construction company and a Petrobras subsidiary.

  • Friday, May 26th 2023 - 09:55 UTC

    Brazil: All STF members to decide on Collor's sentence

    Justice Fachin understood that those who voted for Collor's acquittal could not decide on the length of the sentence. But his view was overruled.

    Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) Thursday decided that all of its justices will vote on May 31 on the length of the sentence to be imposed on former Senator and President Fernando Collor de Melo, who has been found guilty of passive corruption and money laundering in Operation Lava Jato, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Monday, May 15th 2023 - 10:35 UTC

    Google and Telegram CEOs under investigation in Brazil

    The request for the investigation was made by the attorney general's office following a complaint by Lower House Speaker Arthur Lira

    Brazil's Federal Supreme Court (STF) Justice Alexandre De Moraes Friday launched an investigation against the heads of Google and Telegram in the country for the alleged disinformation campaign and attacks launched against the so-called fake news bill.
