Brazil's Superior Court of Justice's (STJ) Third Panel (Turma) unanimously ruled Thursday that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children against Covid-19 can be fined, upholding a decision by the Paraná state court. The court's rationale hinged around the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), which mandates child immunization.
Add your comment!Uruguay's Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) has launched an inquiry against Judge Alejandro Recarey for his July 7 decision to halt vaccination against COVID-19 of children aged 5 to 13 to determine which course of action to take regarding the magistrate's future.
Lawmakers in New York have voted to eliminate religious exemptions for school vaccines for children, as the state grapples with a measles outbreak. The law passed on Thursday night and led to chaotic scenes in the statehouse as anti-vaccination supporters clashed with lawmakers.