From their unmistakable tusks to their characteristic bristles (the envy of many a ‘Movember’ moustache!), the walrus is one of the Arctic’s most iconic species, and today (Sunday 24 November) is World Walrus Day!
This week British Antarctic Survey and World Wide Fund, WWF, are inviting the public to become ‘walrus detectives’ and get involved in the Walrus from Space project to help with vital research to enable a better understanding of these Arctic marine mammals.
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and WWF are seeking the public’s help to search for walrus in thousands of satellite images taken from space, with the aim of learning more about how walrus will be impacted by the climate crisis. It’s hoped half a million people worldwide will join the new “Walrus from Space” research project, a census of Atlantic walrus and walrus from the Laptev Sea, using satellite images provided by space and intelligence company Maxar Technologies’ DigitalGlobe.