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Montevideo, July 27th 2024 - 00:13 UTC

Stories for January 3rd 2001

  • Wednesday, January 3rd 2001 - 20:00 UTC

    Month long recess.

  • Wednesday, January 3rd 2001 - 20:00 UTC

    Largest Cruise Vessel Cancelled.

  • Wednesday, January 3rd 2001 - 20:00 UTC

    Hooked on Falklands Fishing. Trout established with Chile's help.

    Falklands trout fishing, popular with Islanders and tourists alike, owes its origins to Chile. Sixty years ago neither brown trout nor sea trout existed. They were established only in 1940 with a small batch imported from Chile, which later sent 30,000 more as a gift, augmented by another 35,000 imported from Britain. Now it is a thriving pastime, internationally renowned, a mecca for keen anglers, including royalty. The Duke of Edinburgh has enjoyed fishing its rivers.

  • Wednesday, January 3rd 2001 - 20:00 UTC

    British Prime Minister praise Islander Courage.

    The British Prime Minister Tony Blair has praised the Falkland Islanders for their positive approach to Argentina during the year 2000. Speaking directly to the Islands population on the BBC World Service programme ?Calling the Falklands' Mr. Blair said ?I salute your courage in agreeing to develop links with Argentina where co-operation is in our mutual interest'. However he reiterated that despite the signing of a Treaty in July 1999 which now allows Argentine Nationals to visit the Islands following a 17 years ban, and permits a once a month stopover in Rio Gallegos of a Lan Chile flight enroute to the Islands, there is no question of the sovereignty being discussed. Mr Blair said, ?This approach (developing links with Argentina) offers the possibility of a sound working relationship with Argentina without compromising the fundamental principal that sovereignty is not negotiable'.