The former Welsh Guardsman, Simon Weston, severely burned when Argentine aircraft set ablaze the troop transport ship Sir Galahad in the Falklands War, has launched a strong attack on police officers and others pre-occupied in our claim and blame society with asserting their ?right' to compensation for every grievance real or imaginary.
Tony Blair, the first serving British Prime Minister to visit Argentina expressed full support for the Argentine government and President Fernando De la Rúa zero-deficit austerity package, and insisted it's important that Britain today has a normal working relation with Argentina.
In an unexpectedly strong speech, British Primer Minister Tony Blair said in Brazil that the future of trade negotiations between Europe and Mercosur depends on a review of the European Common Agricultural Policy, CAP
Nineteen years after he fought as a helicopter pilot in the Falklands War, the Duke of York, has bade farewell to the Royal Navy in which he served for 22 years
Coinciding with the historic visit of Tony Blair, the first British Prime Minister to set foot on Argentine soil at Iguazu Falls, former Argentine President, General Leopoldo Galtieri, has been profiled in a London newspaper.