The first ever twenty tons of European certified organic beef left from Montevideo for Briatin last Friday. Further shipments to Holland, Italy and United States will follow during February.
Brazil's most important bank which has been operating in Uruguay since 1945 announced it will be leaving the country because of the low profitability of its Montevideo agency.
In spite of different scenarios and higher oil prices and interest rates, Mercosur overall consolidated inflation control during 2000, ensuring the long term decreasing tendency of retail prices.
In 1982 Silvio Katz was an innocent 19-year-old Argentine conscript who suddenly found himself pitched into a War which he could not understand. He was a member of ?Regimento Tablada' which offered support to other Argentine units in the Falklands as they waited for the British to arrive. Katz ended up at Goose Green but luckily survived a battle, which saw the deaths of 50 of his colleagues. ?We were not told where we were going when we left Buenos Aires and were horrified when we found ourselves in a battle zone totally unprepared for War' said Silvio.
En 1982 Silvio Katz era un inocente conscripto argentino que de golpe se vio lanzado a una guerra que no podía entender. Era integrante del Regimiento Tablada el cual tenía como tarea ofrecer apoyo a otras unidades argentinas en las Falklands/Malvinas mientras esperaban la llegada de los británicos. Katz terminó en Ganso Verde pero afortunadamente sobrevivió una batalla en la cual vio morir a cincuenta de sus compañeros.
While the leading world businessmen, bankers and some political figures met in Davos Switzerland for the annual economic forum to praise globalization and capitalism, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, thousands gathered rather chaotically to blast the rich leading nations, the wealthy in rich countries and the current economic structure that allows such a system to subsist.
Defense lawyers of former military ruler General Augusto Pinochet will go to Court to try to block an order for his house arrest and indictment on murder and kidnap charges.Judge Juan Guzmán reissued the arrest order this week after it was thrown out earlier in January on a technicality.