Colourful images of the Falkland Islands today, with all their character and dynamic can be seen at Oxford's Town Hall from Tuesday, October, 29th - Saturday, November 2nd 2002.
Mexico could increase oil production in the event of a war in Iraq, the director of state-owned Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) said yesterday.
The Russian Antarctic Department ratified Aerovías DAP as their sole logistics representative in Chile, said Mr. Andrés Pivcevic.
Joint Falklands-Argentine research cruise; EU Fisheries official to visit Galicia; Hake as by-catch of red shrimp; Many questions about Chilean salmon; Referendum on EU membership;
Reconstruction of Mercosur, following its two largest members Argentina and Brazil economic crisis, will become the main priority of our foreign policy, wrote Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, most certainly Brazil's next president in this coming Sunday's runoff.
Front Page Headlines: Reports from Executive Council: EU rules plague abattoir; Chief Executive candidate is former resident; Parliamentarians visit HMS Westminster; Residents to repair
minefield fences?; LegCo road question; Bonfire at Mare Harbour; West wildlife weekend for conservation watch group.
Titulares: Fin de semana pleno de Naturaleza para jóvenes ambientalistas / Matadero plagado de problemas por exigencias de la UE / Candidato a Administrador General es ex residente / Parlamentarios visitan HMS Westminster / Mantenimiento de los alambrados de los campos minados / Tema calles en el Legislativo / Fogata en Mare Harbour.
Brazilian financial markets rose strongly on Wednesday morning amid growing expectations that an incoming Workers' party (PT) government may be able to maintain economic stability and advance structural reforms.
Chile opens to Argentine beef; Military rattling in Venezuela; Argentina reviews Antarctic operation; Antarctic climbing expedition;
Poor anchovy season; Vigo port reform underway; Fighting illegal fishing with sono-buoys; Clamp on illegal fishing claims success; Brazil-EU working on a fisheries agreement; Oyster project receives UN prize; Ministers must fight Spanish ambitions for North Sea; Argentine exports growing; Fisheries federation in Galicia;