British Ambassador in Argentina Sir Robin Christopher said this Monday in Buenos Aires that the Memorial to be erected in the Argentine cemetery in the Falklands to honour Argentine servicemen killed in the 1982 conflict was important for the reconciliation of the two countries.
The University of Magallanes in Punta Arenas presented this week its first experience with flat fish and the encouraging results of the Atlantic halibut pilot farming project.
“Ary Rongel” the Brazilian Antarctic research vessel mostly funded by Brazilian universities is currently moored in Punta Arenas until January 2 when it will return to Operacion Antarctica XXII.
Beginning January an Argentine company will be organizing Antarctic air tours leaving from Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego.
Chile supports Argentina's claim to the Falkland Islands and it's “a legitimate strategy for Argentina to have a direct air link from its continental territory to the Islands with an Argentine flagged carrier”, revealed Jaime Jelincic, mayor of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Province.
A pro-business former mayor of the Guatemalan capital was elected president over a center-left engineer who billed himself as the candidate of the poor in a runoff election marred by low voter turnout.
The Chilean government on Friday confirmed its optimistic economic forecast for next year, with projected GDP growth of nearly 5 percent.
Though officials haven't yet estimated the financial fallout from the first U.S. case of mad cow disease, the Bush administration told Congress in 2001 that the beef industry could lose $15 billion.
Biologists were delighted when a new species of spider was discovered in the Falklands Islands this year.
Authorities are looking for the source of infection for the first case of mad cow disease in the United States now that a British laboratory has provided initial independent confirmation of the disease.