Spain's King Juan Carlos who last Saturday in Punta Arenas ended his official four days state visit to Chile said that visiting Spanish and Chilean scientific posts in Antarctica had reinforced his commitment to keep working for the conservation of the icebound continent.
Two former Falkland Islands governors currently ambassadors in South America have been in the continent's headlines following threats of possible bomb and fire attacks from radical groups in Peru and Venezuela.
Bill Rammell, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs visited Guatemala and Belize between 13-17 January. Mr. Rammell attended the inauguration of the new Guatemalan President, Oscar Berger and later visited a UK-funded project in a community near the Adjacency Zone in Guatemala.
Falkland Islands Councillor Roger Edwards has resigned as director of the Pardelhas Fishing Company, which has been involved in a two-year legal wrangle involving crewmembers who have refused to leave their vessels in Punta Arenas.
Foreign investment in Latinamerica should grow a robust 47% during 2004 because of a better world business atmosphere and particularly the recovery of the Brazilian economy, according to a group of private financial institutions.
Mercosur members and India have scheduled a meeting in late January when a tariff preference agreement will be signed, said Marco Aurelio García, Brazilian presidential advisor for international relations.
By the end of the year the Brazilian presidency will have a brand new state of the art 56,7 million US dollars ACJ Airbus replacing an old junky Boeing 707 built in the seventies.
British Primer Minister Tony Blair said he would continue to try to reach a ”sensible'' agreement with Spain over the future of Gibraltar.
An Antigua-Barbuda flagged vessel will be carrying the blocks for the Memorial in honour of the Argentine servicemen fallen during the Falklands conflict in 1982 that is to be assembled and finalized in the Argentine cemetery in Darwin, reports this Monday Buenos Aires daily La Nación.