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Stories for February 2004

  • Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentina: Pickets plan 100 blocks nationwide

    A showdown that many fears could turn violent was brewing here Wednesday, the eve of planned massive road blockades by radical protesters known for masking their faces and carrying clubs.

  • Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    FAO meeting on global fish trade closes in Germany

    Countries participating in the 9th session of FAO's Sub-Committee on Fish Trade have issued a draft report outlining the challenges and opportunities facing FAO and its member countries as they work to promote a stronger and more responsible global trading system for fisheries products.

  • Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentine-UK breakthrough in air links dispute

    Britain and Argentina agreed Tuesday afternoon in Buenos Aires to “unlock” differences regarding flights to the Falkland Islands and advance towards an understanding that contemplates a direct air link to the Islands from Argentina and the resumption of the suspended charter flights.

  • Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    Maya V: Uruguay and Australia hold talks

    Uruguay is holding talks with Australia and considering several alternatives for the liberation of imprisoned crewmembers from the Uruguayan flagged longliner “Maya V” caught in Australian waters allegedly illegally fishing Patagonian toothfish.

  • Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    Corruption ring nested in Lula's office

    The Brazilian government launched an aggressive counter campaign to deter the impact of a corruption ring exposed by the Brazilian press that forced the resignation of a high ranking official from the office of President Lula da Silva's most trusted and powerful advisor.

  • Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    Gibraltar: MOD Employee's Walkout

    At 10am on Monday workers in the MoD in Gibraltar staged a walkout.
    The stoppage formed part of a campaign of selective industrial
    action against the MOD'S contractorisation policies, whereby work
    done in-house is transferred to outside companies.

  • Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    My experience of the Falklands.

    The massive, daunting military complex at Mount Pleasant Airbase (MPA), the only commercial airport on the Falkland Islands, leaves you feeling anything but indifferent upon arrival. Either you feel it is a fortress to defend the Islanders' freedom, or a total waste of taxpayers' money given the current state of the castrated Argentine military.

  • Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    UK Defence catering target Falklands' meat

    Falkland Islands' meat has been under scrutiny - with encouraging results. A team comprising military and civilian personnel from the British Ministry of Defence and its catering suppliers, 3663, visited the Falkland Islands last week to, “...take a look at Falkland Islands sheep meat from ?Farm to Fork'.”

  • Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    Rammell warns about “excessive ambitions”

    United Kingdom regrets that since last December charter flights to the Falkland Islands have been suspended and wishes to resume negotiations with Argentina said British Foreign Office Minister Bill Rammell this Monday in Buenos Aires.

  • Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 21:00 UTC

    Latinamerican “amigos” no longer US priority

    United States Secretary of State Colin Powell confirmed before Congress the extended perception in the hemisphere, particularly since September 11that Latinamerica is not a priority for George Bush administration.