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Cry for Argentina's working ladies

Wednesday, December 1st 2004 - 20:00 UTC
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Working women in Argentina earn and average 34, 3% less than men in similar jobs and the difference is even greater for professionals with university education, reports the Buenos Aires press.

According to Clarin, which quoted official data, the average monthly salary for a man in Argentina is 753,80 pesos (approximately 251 US dollars), but for a woman it drops to 495, 60 pesos (approx. 165 US dollars). Clarin points out that the 34,3% gender pay difference is the highest in Argentine history. In the mid-1990s, the difference was 25% and in 2001 - when the country's economy collapses, it reached 30%.

However the gap is even greater for women with university degrees, with the difference jumping to 46%. Female professionals make an average monthly of 883 pesos (294,30 US dollars) compared with 1,633 pesos (544,30 US dollars) for men.

The article in based on data from a report carried out by the Argentine National Institute of Statistics and Census during the first half of 2004 among blue- and white-collar workers, both self-employed and professionals.

Women's real earnings has fallen 32,4% since the end of 2001, and men's 23,5%. The report notes that women hold mainly low-level positions, are the principal recipients of unemployment compensation from the government and outnumber men in the informal (black) economy.

Categories: Mercosur.

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