The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, agreed Friday to eliminate the excess production that has enabled oil prices to drop from its recent historic highs.
Brazil formally launched Friday the candidacy of diplomat Luiz Felipe de Seixas Correa to lead the World Trade Organization, WTO.
Ruling pro-President Hugo Chavez lawmakers approved changes in the Venezuelan penal code making pot-banging protests known as cacelorazos, and other noisy demonstrations punishable by law, as well as increasing penalties for slander and libel, while softening other crimes such as stealing food or medicines
Chile is reasonably optimistic about South American integration following this week's presidential meetings in Cuzco, Peru where the South American Community of Nations, SACN, was officially launched, said Chilean Foreign Affairs minister Ignacio Walker.
A first stage of tri-partite talks, United Kingdom, Spain and Gibraltar ended this week in England with signals of optimism and continuation.
The United Kingdom launched this Friday
, the website for the UK presidency of the G8. The UK will assume the year-long presidency on 1 January 2005.
Chile's Supreme Court categorically denied Friday that it was an accomplice in the torture and murder of dissidents during the 1973-1990 dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.