United States president George Bush said it was up to the markets to establish the value relation between the US dollar and the Euro, adding that the recent rise in interests by the Federal Reserve was an indication that the US is concerned with the weak dollar and this administration supports a strong dollar.
The Chilean candidate for the post of Secretary General of the Organization of American States, OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza has managed the support from three decisive South American countries, Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela.
For the first time in several years Latinamerica economic report will be positive with a 5,5% expansion in 2004, the highest in two decades since the 6% of 1980.
Remittances from Mexicans living abroad, mainly from United States, support more than 1.4 million households in Mexico.
The World Trade Organization gave Chile authorization to impose punitive duties on US exports because of Washington's failure to repeal the so-called Byrd amendment that has helped the US steel industry.
Nine Latin American presidents renewed in Brazil their pledge for economic cooperation, despite enduring disputes and tariff barriers between Argentina and Brazil
The Argentine government reappointed the Bank of New York as the clearance and settlement agent for its mammoth restructuring of $102.6 billion in defaulted debt, the Economy Ministry said in a statement last Friday.
Commercial exploitation of kelp; Long term Chilean Antarctic planning; Magallanes eolian digital map.
One of Argentina's main dairy cooperatives will invest six million US dollars in setting up a plant in Uruguay, its first overseas experience.
Mercosur is rapidly becoming the world's main supplier of soybeans and the combined plantation of the four country members could be indicating a new production record of 100 million tons in the 2004/05 season.