MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, September 21st 2024 - 01:06 UTC

Stories for 2004

  • Thursday, January 15th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    Radioactive cargo scheduled to cross Cape Horn.

    A Chilean Congressman following on reports from Greenpeace warned this week about the transportation of radioactive materials belonging to a dismantled California nuclear reactor, along the Chilean and Argentine coasts.

  • Thursday, January 15th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    Good summer season in Bariloche

    Visitors to Bariloche and the surrounding lake area in Argentine Patagonia have almost doubled compared to last season and the occupancy rate has expanded 20% during the first fifteen days of 2004, according to the local Tourist Office.

  • Thursday, January 15th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    High seas December squid fishing, a “fiasco”

    The high seas (plus 200 miles) squid catching “crusade” before the official season begins, has proved to be an Argentine government “media show” and a “fiasco”, according to CeDePesca, an Argentine organization for the Defence of Fisheries with offices in Mar del Plata.

  • Thursday, January 15th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    The Argentine yacht 'Mistico' left the Falklands in her last leg to Bs. Aires.

    Intrepid Argentine yachtsmen, Jorge Bertolino and Marcelo Gonzalez have left the Falkland Islands, in the yacht 'Mistico' and should reach Buenos Aires in 8 - 9 days time, weather permitting.

  • Wednesday, January 14th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    A positive summit for President Bush

    A watered down Nuevo Leon Declaration concluded the two days Americas summit held in Mexico with the participation of the leaders of the entire continent, (minus Cuba), and particularly the presence of US president George Bush in the campaign trail of a re-election year.

  • Wednesday, January 14th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    Decision to discontinue Lan Chile charters “irrational”

    Argentina's decision to demand Lan Chile to discontinue charter flights from Santiago to the Falkland Islands was described as “irrational” by Denise Landau, Executive Director of the International Association of Antarctic Tours Operators, IAATO, adding that “everyone including Argentina stands to lose business”.

  • Wednesday, January 14th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    Aznar insists Spanish sovereignty for Gibraltar

    Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar on Wednesday insisted that Gibraltar, ruled by Britain since 1713, should eventually be returned and become an integral part of Spain

  • Tuesday, January 13th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    Lula set to return favours and reshuffle cabinet.

    Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's plan to build a Congressional majority and electoral alliance for the coming municipal polls with one of the parties he once bitterly battled received crucial support this Monday.

  • Tuesday, January 13th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    Punta Arenas News.

    Lan Chile again in the spotlight; Spanish King visits Punta Arenas and Antarctica; “Pardehlas” case close to an end.

  • Tuesday, January 13th 2004 - 20:00 UTC

    Argentine bondholders of the world, unite.

    The main world representatives of Argentine defaulted sovereign bond holders founded this week in Rome an international committee with the target of recovering their investments.