Police in the southern Patagonian province of Santa Cruz arrested Thursday more than 50 people in the course of ending a takeover of a Repsol YPF oilfield. But radicals and relatives from the detainees claimed many protesters were beaten.
The President George Bush administration will do everything legally possible to prevent the leftist Sandinistas from returning to power in Central America's Nicaragua, said Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roger Noriega.
China, Asia's second economy behind Japan revalued Thursday its currency 2%, the first time in a decade, and will let the Yuan float against a basket of currencies.
President George W. Bush used a speech Thursday at the Organization of American States headquarters in Washington to put pressure on the U.S. House of Representatives to ratify a free-trade agreement with Central America, CAFTA.
British police called for sweeping new powers Thursday - including holding terrorism suspects for up to three months without charge - after a second wave of bombings struck London's transport system.
A red Aberdeen Angus heifer was the first to access the Palermo grounds in Buenos Aires where Argentina's main agriculture and livestock show opened Thursday and will extend to August 2.
Next Monday 25 July a group of 16 Argentine flagged jiggers and trawlers will be participating in a shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) research survey undertaken by the Mar del Plata National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development, INIDEP.
The European Union seeks to reach an associative agreement with Mercosur in May 2006, and will attempt to achieve a breakthrough in the stagnated negotiations at a September meeting in Brussels.
”Trail of destruction': man arrested; Argentine complaint at London meeting; Guilty verdicts in longline fishing cases.