Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and the jailed ex-head of the secret police General Manuel Contreras had a face to face exchange Friday on orders of a judge who is investigating the disappearance of dissidents thirty years ago.
Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva ratified his full confidence in Finance minister Antonio Palocci and considers normal the controversy with cabinet chief Dilma Rousseff regarding the magnitude of the fiscal surplus.
Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori, under arrest in Chile will be represented at his extradition trial by the Chilean attorney who successfully defended ex-President Carlos Menem in similar proceedings
The Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting in South Korea identified Europe as the main obstacle to global trade and called upon European leaders to lift obstacles for the December trade talks In Hong Kong.
Finance ministers and Central Bank governors belonging to the Group of Seven, G 7, will assess in December how sustainable is the current strength of the US dollar and determine if the global economy can support the impact of the high oil prices.