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Stories for May 2nd 2007

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Disaster management team in the Falkland Islands

    Former British Gov. Frank Savage, (FCO/OTD) and his colleague, Roger Bellers (DFID) Photo PN

    “To spread the word that preparedness does save lives” This was the reason given by Frank Savage, adviser on disaster management to the British Foreign and Commonwealth's Overseas Territories Department (FCO/OTD), why he and colleague, Roger Bellers of the Department for International Development (DFID) are in the Falkland Islands this week.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Falklands War “a mistake”. Bombing raid reversed withdrawal decision

    Former Argentine Foreign Minister, Doctor Costa Mendez

    Argentina was ready to announce withdrawal of its troops from the Falklands Islands on May 2nd exactly 25 years ago but President Galtieri reversed his decision when the British Vulcan bomber and Harrier aircraft launched their raid on Stanley Airport the previous day.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Decisive Falklands War actions recalled. Vulcan bomber raid and Belgrano

    Harold Briley reported on both actions at the time as the BBC Latin America Correspondent in Buenos Aires and subsequently met the captains of both the Belgrano and Conqueror

    Two of the most dramatic actions of the 1982 Falklands War have been recalled in a series of media reports in the United Kingdom 25 years after they took place - the sinking of the Argentine cruiser Belgrano with heavy loss of life and the attack on Stanley airport by a British Vulcan bomber in the longest air raid flight in history.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Benedict XVI visits Brazil to strengthen regional predominance

    Pope Benedict XVI urged on Wednesday prayers of support for his trip to Brazil next week, his first pilgrimage to Latin America and an effort to strengthen a church battling to retain its predominant role in the region.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Chilean salmon magnate promotes Patagonia tourism industry

    Chiloe Island

    Chilean businessman Víctor Hugo Puchi, owner of the very successful farmed salmon company AquaChile, is setting his sights on southern Chile's growing tourism industry.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    US regional offensive in support of free trade agreements

    United States Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte warned Wednesday that rejection by the Democrat controlled Congress of free trade agreements with Colombia, Peru and Panama would mean a serious blow for Washington's interests in the region.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    “Squid market is collapsing” claims Mar del Plata industry

    The market for squid is collapsing because of over supply and free fall prices, according to one of Argentina's main squid operators, Guillermo De los Santos, reports the Mar del Plata press.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    No confidence vote for Falkland Islands Tourist Board

    Dissatisfaction turned into action on Friday 27th April when members of the Falkland Islands Tourist Board (FITB) passed a vote of no confidence in the Board, at an extraordinary general meeting.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Chavez completes re-nationalization of oil reserves

    The Orinoco region has more than 55,000 square kilometers

    Venezuela took control of the Orinoco oil installations on May first completing the process of “re-nationalization” of the nation's oil reserves. President Hugo Chávez led celebrations of the takeover of the Orinoco Oil Belt which could convert Venezuela into the country with the largest oil reserves.

  • Wednesday, May 2nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Bolivia takes control of oil and gas industry

    These companies have understood they are not the owners of Bolivia's natural resources, said Pte. Morales

    Bolivia's government owned energy company YPFB took control on Wednesday of the country's oil and gas industry after a dozen oil companies, including Repsol YPF SA, British Gas, Total and Petrobras signed new contracts today.