The energy ministers of the world's leading industrialised nations are meeting in Japan amid fears soaring oil prices could damage the global economy.
The rising costs of energy, metals, manpower, transport, and so on, have conspired with the unfavourable foreign exchange developments of the year to make it an altogether tough time for the global seafood industry. Still, despite many sector hardships, the picture is hardly consistent.
Argentina was chosen last week to the chair of the United Nations General Assembly Special Political and Decolonization Committee which is concerned with disarmament, peace keeping operations as well as decolonization.
Argentina's Foreign Affaire minister Jorge Taiana will be addressing next Thursday the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, or C24, when he is expected to reiterate Argentine claims over the Falkland Islands and other South Atlantic insular territories sovereignty.
The British Government has told the United Nations that Gibraltar, --which is disputed by neighboring Spain-- should be removed from the Unite Nations list of colonies, reports the Gibraltar Chronicle.
Exports from one of Mercosur's junior members Uruguay could reach ten billion US dollars this year, a considerable hike from the 6.8 billion of 2007 and the original official estimate of “above 9 billion US dollars”, according to sources from the Ministry of Economy.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez urged Colombian FARC rebels on Sunday to lay down their weapons and unilaterally free dozens of hostages ending to a decades-long armed struggle against Colombia's government.
For the first time paleontologists have found fossilized burrows of tetrapods -- any land vertebrates with four legs or leg-like appendages -- in Antarctica dating from the Early Triassic epoch, about 245 million years ago, according to a paper from a research funded by the US National Science Foundation and involving several US universities.
Four million young adults in Argentina are poor, according to a report of the Argentine Catholic University published over the weekend. The UCA report called on the authorities “not to look the other way” and face the current situation.