Brazilian president Lula da Silva underscored the good indicators of the Brazilian economy in spite of the world crisis and soaring food prices and said his administration's policy is to increase production to combat inflation.
Argentine former Economy minister Martín Lousteau spoke to the press about his brief period in office for the first time and while maintaining his continued faith in President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, made some criticisms of the national government and called for the removal of Domestic Commerce Secretary Guillermo Moreno, who he described as unerringly inefficient and with whom he admitted having had a significant conflict.
Chile, Spain and Uruguay launched on Monday a new electronic money transfer service which links their countries, using technology developed by the United Nations Universal Postal Union (UPU).
Mexico and Brazil risk ratings dropped six and nine points respectively while Argentina's climbed ten, according to the EMBI index from the US JP Morgan bank reported on Monday the Mexican Finance ministry.